Thursday, August 31, 2006

The Ultimate Survey

So I've been working on this since I started working this summer. I stole it from my friend Jackie.


1. What's your favorite constellation? Pavo, because it means peacock! And the story is pretty bitchin'

2. Have you ever eaten something ridiculously spicy for money? Nope!

3. Are you really good at something embarrassing? I wouldn't say I'm good. But knitting and scrapbooking are my weaknesses

4. What's your favorite Christmas tradition? Christmas Eve Dinner! We always have sushi and afterwards we'll probably watch A Christmas Story and we always end the night with driving around and looking at Christmas lights.

5. What kind of things do you draw when you're doodling mindlessly? Flowers or stick people

6. Do you consider yourself a good tipper? I do consider myself a good tipper, unless the service sucks, then my tip will reflect that

7. What age were you the first time you ever got drunk? Moving on....

8. When you were a little kid, what was your dream career? I wanted to be on Broadway, although I didn't know the term Broadway until I was 8, before then I just wanted to be famous!

9. Have you ever hung up on a telemarketer before? Yes, and I lie to them too!

10. What do you cook best? Hmm that's a tough one. I like to think that I make a mean Aloo Gobi.

11. What was your favorite cartoon as a child? Ninja Turtles takes the cake! Smoggies was a close second!

12. What's your shower routine? Wash hair, repeat, rinse, condition, soap, shave, rinse conditioner

13. What's your earliest childhood memory? Having the dresser fall on me when I was two

14. What and where is the most interesting scar on your body? Probably the scar I received from the dresser falling on me when I was two, it's on the middle of my forehead. Although the scar that's on the left corner of my mouth is pretty sweet. I got it when I was born! (Doctor's cut to deep)

15. Everyone is irrationally afraid of something; what's your phobia? GERMS

16. Do you have a passive movement? I'm never passive!

17. What's your favourite kind of cheese? The kind made out of SOY! (It tastes like rubber, I don't recommend it)

18. Where were the monsters when you were a kid, in the closet, under the bed, or somewhere else? I never believed in monsters.

19. If you had your dream bathroom, what would it look like? OH MAN! Ok to start off with it would have a shower fit for a queen, walls looking into a garden! It would have shower heads a plenty and those jets that massage your back! There would be a seat so I would never cut myself shaving! The bathtub would be ginormus and jets a plenty and the water would come out from the wall there would be no tap! My sinks I could care less about! The toilet would be made for a queen and they would automatically return the toilet seat to it's natural position. (And yes, I plan on marrying rich)

20. What's the most exotic animal you've ever touched? I fed a giraffe once!

21. What's the most exotic animal you've ever eaten? Umm, I don't know! Horse?

22. Where was the most inopportune place you've ever thrown up? On my Principle's shoes in Jr High

23. What's in your omelette? Tomatoes, onions, sausage, peppers, YUM!

24. Who's your alter-ego? I have no idea!

25. If you were to permanently and legally change your name tomorrow, what would you change it to? As much as I hated my name when I was little I've come to appreciate how unique it really is, I'd never change it

26. Can you bring yourself to tell someone outright that you don't like them? Who are we talking about? Boss, Coworker, "Friend" (AKA Karen the douchebag)

27. Let's say the speed limit is 100 km/h. How fast would you be driving? 110-120 no faster!

28. Are you, or have you ever been pee-shy? No!

29. What makes you woozy just to look at? Vomit....

30. What do you consider "staying up late"? Midnight is late! (I'm old, I know, I know!)

31. Everyone has some kind of collection. What's yours? I collect Kimono's!

32. Do you believe in fate or destiny? I think that you make your own destiny. Fate I haven't decided what my thoughts on that is.

33. Are you superstitious? In what way? No I don't consider myself to be superstitious.

34. Do you own a musical instrument? Can you play it? I own a bass. By no means am I a rockstar on it, but given about an hour I can stumble my way through the majority of songs put in front of me.

35. Can you play any (other) kind of musical instrument? Do the spoons count?

36. How many times do you usually hit the snooze button? I don't hit the snooze button, I sleep though the alarm

37. What's the most shameful CD in your collection? 50 Cent

38. What do you do when you're listening to music, sing out loud, lip sync with the words, or just listen? Sing out loud as much as possible!

39. When it comes to hygiene, what's something you're really picky about? Clean teeth are a must!

40. If you were going to find a dead body somewhere, where do you think it would be? Hmm well from what I've heard in my travels, I think I'd just have to head down to Heritage Park!

41. Have you ever read the Bible? Never cover to cover! But yes I've read the bible!

42. What do you consider to be the foulest substance on earth? Veggimite

43. What's a song you're embarrassed to say you've obsessed over? Stars Are Blind was on my summer song list for sometime... Shut up!

44. Do your feet get too cold or too hot? Both! It's annoying.

45. What's your favourite conspiracy theory? I'm not big on the consipracy theories

46. What kind of calendar do you have? Harry Potter!

47. What's your favourite fad? Long t-shirts!

48. How do you like your drinking water? Coolers! They're the only way to go!

49. What kind of keychain do you have? An LED light, lip balm and a Lanyard.

50. What's something you're always losing even when you try to be careful? I'm Awful with Sunglasses, and apparently diamond earrings!

51. What's your favourite amusement park ride? So long as it's fast, scary and you experience 0 gravity, I'm happy!

52. What was the name of your favourite teacher(s) during grade school? Do you know his/her first name too? Mr. G! Goerzen was pretty awsome too!

54. How many languages can you swear in? English and Japanese

55. What kind of charitable thing do you try to do regularly? I do Helping hands annualy!

56. Do you have any weird goals? Find an epiphany toilet. Singing at a kareoke bar in Japan!

57. What are the best and worst parts of doing laundry? The time it takes UGH! The best is knowing your clothing options aren't limited by dirty laundry!

58. If you had a tank full of goldfish, who would you name them after? I'd look at the worst baby names website and name them accordingly! Semen, Jetta etc! (One would have to be named Goldie Hawn!)

59. How do you take your marshmallows? They have to be toasted, not burned, I peel off the top layer and repeat about six more times!

60. If the world suddenly ended and you were the very last person left, what would be the very first thing you'd do? Make sure I WAS the very last person on earth, after that, I'd learn how to fly, ride a motocycle, shoot stuff, the usual!

61. Name something you horde. I don't know!

62. What do you do when you can't sleep? Play on my computer, read.

63. What part of your body is the most ticklish? (Now be honest!) My knees!

64. Have you ever gotten a bull's-eye while playing darts? Once!

65. Are you a label peeler? Yeah, it's hard because I have to steal the bottles, peel off the labels then give them back before anyone notices

66. When/Where is the best time/place to think? Refer to question 56. (Joking) Depends on what I'm thinking about but I've always found getting away to nature, in the morning the best! When I'm camping I'm usually the first one up and have a good hour to myself just to walk around and think about life!

67. Do you have a habit you display when you're deep in thought? I stare into space, my vision will become blurry, that's how I know I'm REALLY deep in thought

68. What's the bane of your existence? Oh so many things, Mean old people are at the top of my list right now!

69. What's something you're always breaking or ruining? I don't know

70. Do you prefer full- or wide-screen movies? So long as the movie doesn't say "This film has been formatted to fit your screen" or whatever the hell it says, I'm happy!

71. Do you name your plants? No. I had a hard enough time naming my dog!

72. What's something you're thoroughly uncreative with? My choice of outfits/hair and makeup so basically my apperance!

73. If you were to die tomorrow and, as a ghost, could give instructions for your own funeral, what would you tell your loved ones to do with you? I've already been over this with a couple of you. My funeral I would demand it be respectful. After the funeral my wishes would be to go to a Jpanese themed kareoke bar, I will survive must be sung at least twice for irony's sake!

74. What do you do during long phone conversations? I tend to clean up my kitchen, I don't have a kitchen of my own this year, so It'll be my bathroom I guess

75. Do you have any small (or large) mutations on your body? Nopers!

76. Where is a place where you never ever smile? At work (j/k)

77. In your point of view, who is "the enemy"? George Bush

78. Do you have any self-taught skills? I like to think I taught myself the ways of scrapbooking. (Ok, Kyley helped a lot)

79. Have you ever cross-dressed specifically for the purpose of looking like someone of the opposite sex? Um, No but I'm thinking I want to be Charlie Chaplin this halloween! (Thoughts?)

80. Which do like better, funny quotes, inspirational quotes, or some other genre of quotes? Funny Quotes!

81. Do you have some genre of books/TV/movies that's especially dear to you? Harry Potter

82. When are you most photogenic? I don't think I'm ever photgenic! I want to go on that TLC show, Cover shot I think is what it's called!

83. Who are you jealous of? JK Rowling, she knows the ending of the 7th book!

84. Got any weird eating habits? I eat in my sleep!

85. Do you know what your parents were going to name you if you'd been born the opposite sex? If not, what do you think your opposite sex name would be? I think it was going to be Yoshi or Hiro?

86. What's something interesting about your handwriting? It's revolting! I try and use a computer whenever possible! I hope to only ever teach grade one so I never have to touch cursive!

87. Where do you sleep on your bed? I don't ever stay in one spot, and I like to take up as much of the bed as possible!

88. Who's your favourite Muppet? The Chef! (What was his name again?)

89. Ever been completely naked outdoors? What did it feel like? Um no actually!

90. What's the most sick you've ever been? Hmm I had Bever Fever once, that was pretty foul!

91. Any part(s) of your body fake? Pins, plates, cyborg brains...? No I'm 100% genuine!

92. What do you normally eat for a midnight snack? Krispy Kreme's! lol

93. Any learned taste aversions? No, not really

94. Everyone should have a personal Monopoly piece. What's yours? I know what you're about to say "Miko, she's totally going to pick the shoe" NO! WRONG! The shoe is effing ugly! I like the car!

95. What bones do you like to crack in your body? My back and my neck!

96. What's the most you've ever won from a Scratch-n'-Win before? $20

97. Which accent is your favourite? I don't know! British? Yes, let's go with that one.

98. Where do you usually find money unexpectedly? On the bus! I would always find money while on city transit!

99. What's your vice? Shoes!

100. If you were to make up your own religion, what would you call it and what would it be about? This is the question that I've struggled with for most of the summer, and I still can't think of a proper answer! I'm sticking with my own religion!

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