Thursday, August 31, 2006

The Ultimate Survey

So I've been working on this since I started working this summer. I stole it from my friend Jackie.


1. What's your favorite constellation? Pavo, because it means peacock! And the story is pretty bitchin'

2. Have you ever eaten something ridiculously spicy for money? Nope!

3. Are you really good at something embarrassing? I wouldn't say I'm good. But knitting and scrapbooking are my weaknesses

4. What's your favorite Christmas tradition? Christmas Eve Dinner! We always have sushi and afterwards we'll probably watch A Christmas Story and we always end the night with driving around and looking at Christmas lights.

5. What kind of things do you draw when you're doodling mindlessly? Flowers or stick people

6. Do you consider yourself a good tipper? I do consider myself a good tipper, unless the service sucks, then my tip will reflect that

7. What age were you the first time you ever got drunk? Moving on....

8. When you were a little kid, what was your dream career? I wanted to be on Broadway, although I didn't know the term Broadway until I was 8, before then I just wanted to be famous!

9. Have you ever hung up on a telemarketer before? Yes, and I lie to them too!

10. What do you cook best? Hmm that's a tough one. I like to think that I make a mean Aloo Gobi.

11. What was your favorite cartoon as a child? Ninja Turtles takes the cake! Smoggies was a close second!

12. What's your shower routine? Wash hair, repeat, rinse, condition, soap, shave, rinse conditioner

13. What's your earliest childhood memory? Having the dresser fall on me when I was two

14. What and where is the most interesting scar on your body? Probably the scar I received from the dresser falling on me when I was two, it's on the middle of my forehead. Although the scar that's on the left corner of my mouth is pretty sweet. I got it when I was born! (Doctor's cut to deep)

15. Everyone is irrationally afraid of something; what's your phobia? GERMS

16. Do you have a passive movement? I'm never passive!

17. What's your favourite kind of cheese? The kind made out of SOY! (It tastes like rubber, I don't recommend it)

18. Where were the monsters when you were a kid, in the closet, under the bed, or somewhere else? I never believed in monsters.

19. If you had your dream bathroom, what would it look like? OH MAN! Ok to start off with it would have a shower fit for a queen, walls looking into a garden! It would have shower heads a plenty and those jets that massage your back! There would be a seat so I would never cut myself shaving! The bathtub would be ginormus and jets a plenty and the water would come out from the wall there would be no tap! My sinks I could care less about! The toilet would be made for a queen and they would automatically return the toilet seat to it's natural position. (And yes, I plan on marrying rich)

20. What's the most exotic animal you've ever touched? I fed a giraffe once!

21. What's the most exotic animal you've ever eaten? Umm, I don't know! Horse?

22. Where was the most inopportune place you've ever thrown up? On my Principle's shoes in Jr High

23. What's in your omelette? Tomatoes, onions, sausage, peppers, YUM!

24. Who's your alter-ego? I have no idea!

25. If you were to permanently and legally change your name tomorrow, what would you change it to? As much as I hated my name when I was little I've come to appreciate how unique it really is, I'd never change it

26. Can you bring yourself to tell someone outright that you don't like them? Who are we talking about? Boss, Coworker, "Friend" (AKA Karen the douchebag)

27. Let's say the speed limit is 100 km/h. How fast would you be driving? 110-120 no faster!

28. Are you, or have you ever been pee-shy? No!

29. What makes you woozy just to look at? Vomit....

30. What do you consider "staying up late"? Midnight is late! (I'm old, I know, I know!)

31. Everyone has some kind of collection. What's yours? I collect Kimono's!

32. Do you believe in fate or destiny? I think that you make your own destiny. Fate I haven't decided what my thoughts on that is.

33. Are you superstitious? In what way? No I don't consider myself to be superstitious.

34. Do you own a musical instrument? Can you play it? I own a bass. By no means am I a rockstar on it, but given about an hour I can stumble my way through the majority of songs put in front of me.

35. Can you play any (other) kind of musical instrument? Do the spoons count?

36. How many times do you usually hit the snooze button? I don't hit the snooze button, I sleep though the alarm

37. What's the most shameful CD in your collection? 50 Cent

38. What do you do when you're listening to music, sing out loud, lip sync with the words, or just listen? Sing out loud as much as possible!

39. When it comes to hygiene, what's something you're really picky about? Clean teeth are a must!

40. If you were going to find a dead body somewhere, where do you think it would be? Hmm well from what I've heard in my travels, I think I'd just have to head down to Heritage Park!

41. Have you ever read the Bible? Never cover to cover! But yes I've read the bible!

42. What do you consider to be the foulest substance on earth? Veggimite

43. What's a song you're embarrassed to say you've obsessed over? Stars Are Blind was on my summer song list for sometime... Shut up!

44. Do your feet get too cold or too hot? Both! It's annoying.

45. What's your favourite conspiracy theory? I'm not big on the consipracy theories

46. What kind of calendar do you have? Harry Potter!

47. What's your favourite fad? Long t-shirts!

48. How do you like your drinking water? Coolers! They're the only way to go!

49. What kind of keychain do you have? An LED light, lip balm and a Lanyard.

50. What's something you're always losing even when you try to be careful? I'm Awful with Sunglasses, and apparently diamond earrings!

51. What's your favourite amusement park ride? So long as it's fast, scary and you experience 0 gravity, I'm happy!

52. What was the name of your favourite teacher(s) during grade school? Do you know his/her first name too? Mr. G! Goerzen was pretty awsome too!

54. How many languages can you swear in? English and Japanese

55. What kind of charitable thing do you try to do regularly? I do Helping hands annualy!

56. Do you have any weird goals? Find an epiphany toilet. Singing at a kareoke bar in Japan!

57. What are the best and worst parts of doing laundry? The time it takes UGH! The best is knowing your clothing options aren't limited by dirty laundry!

58. If you had a tank full of goldfish, who would you name them after? I'd look at the worst baby names website and name them accordingly! Semen, Jetta etc! (One would have to be named Goldie Hawn!)

59. How do you take your marshmallows? They have to be toasted, not burned, I peel off the top layer and repeat about six more times!

60. If the world suddenly ended and you were the very last person left, what would be the very first thing you'd do? Make sure I WAS the very last person on earth, after that, I'd learn how to fly, ride a motocycle, shoot stuff, the usual!

61. Name something you horde. I don't know!

62. What do you do when you can't sleep? Play on my computer, read.

63. What part of your body is the most ticklish? (Now be honest!) My knees!

64. Have you ever gotten a bull's-eye while playing darts? Once!

65. Are you a label peeler? Yeah, it's hard because I have to steal the bottles, peel off the labels then give them back before anyone notices

66. When/Where is the best time/place to think? Refer to question 56. (Joking) Depends on what I'm thinking about but I've always found getting away to nature, in the morning the best! When I'm camping I'm usually the first one up and have a good hour to myself just to walk around and think about life!

67. Do you have a habit you display when you're deep in thought? I stare into space, my vision will become blurry, that's how I know I'm REALLY deep in thought

68. What's the bane of your existence? Oh so many things, Mean old people are at the top of my list right now!

69. What's something you're always breaking or ruining? I don't know

70. Do you prefer full- or wide-screen movies? So long as the movie doesn't say "This film has been formatted to fit your screen" or whatever the hell it says, I'm happy!

71. Do you name your plants? No. I had a hard enough time naming my dog!

72. What's something you're thoroughly uncreative with? My choice of outfits/hair and makeup so basically my apperance!

73. If you were to die tomorrow and, as a ghost, could give instructions for your own funeral, what would you tell your loved ones to do with you? I've already been over this with a couple of you. My funeral I would demand it be respectful. After the funeral my wishes would be to go to a Jpanese themed kareoke bar, I will survive must be sung at least twice for irony's sake!

74. What do you do during long phone conversations? I tend to clean up my kitchen, I don't have a kitchen of my own this year, so It'll be my bathroom I guess

75. Do you have any small (or large) mutations on your body? Nopers!

76. Where is a place where you never ever smile? At work (j/k)

77. In your point of view, who is "the enemy"? George Bush

78. Do you have any self-taught skills? I like to think I taught myself the ways of scrapbooking. (Ok, Kyley helped a lot)

79. Have you ever cross-dressed specifically for the purpose of looking like someone of the opposite sex? Um, No but I'm thinking I want to be Charlie Chaplin this halloween! (Thoughts?)

80. Which do like better, funny quotes, inspirational quotes, or some other genre of quotes? Funny Quotes!

81. Do you have some genre of books/TV/movies that's especially dear to you? Harry Potter

82. When are you most photogenic? I don't think I'm ever photgenic! I want to go on that TLC show, Cover shot I think is what it's called!

83. Who are you jealous of? JK Rowling, she knows the ending of the 7th book!

84. Got any weird eating habits? I eat in my sleep!

85. Do you know what your parents were going to name you if you'd been born the opposite sex? If not, what do you think your opposite sex name would be? I think it was going to be Yoshi or Hiro?

86. What's something interesting about your handwriting? It's revolting! I try and use a computer whenever possible! I hope to only ever teach grade one so I never have to touch cursive!

87. Where do you sleep on your bed? I don't ever stay in one spot, and I like to take up as much of the bed as possible!

88. Who's your favourite Muppet? The Chef! (What was his name again?)

89. Ever been completely naked outdoors? What did it feel like? Um no actually!

90. What's the most sick you've ever been? Hmm I had Bever Fever once, that was pretty foul!

91. Any part(s) of your body fake? Pins, plates, cyborg brains...? No I'm 100% genuine!

92. What do you normally eat for a midnight snack? Krispy Kreme's! lol

93. Any learned taste aversions? No, not really

94. Everyone should have a personal Monopoly piece. What's yours? I know what you're about to say "Miko, she's totally going to pick the shoe" NO! WRONG! The shoe is effing ugly! I like the car!

95. What bones do you like to crack in your body? My back and my neck!

96. What's the most you've ever won from a Scratch-n'-Win before? $20

97. Which accent is your favourite? I don't know! British? Yes, let's go with that one.

98. Where do you usually find money unexpectedly? On the bus! I would always find money while on city transit!

99. What's your vice? Shoes!

100. If you were to make up your own religion, what would you call it and what would it be about? This is the question that I've struggled with for most of the summer, and I still can't think of a proper answer! I'm sticking with my own religion!

Monday, August 28, 2006

Once Upon A Saturday

Once upon a Saturday in the enchanted city of Calgary, there was a fairy princess named Miko. About two weeks ago, the fairy princess went on a great camping adventure with her friend SP45 and his fair maiden R. During this great camping adventure the Fairy Princess lost her mother’s earring while bartering in the local supermarket in Bragg Creek. Her earring had been found and she was to retrieve it.

The following weekend the fairy princess was about to embark on a great road trip with the hopes of retrieving the coveted earring. A task so monotonous she dare not embark on it alone. Miko called upon her friends, The Grumpy Giant, and her Hand Maiden Serena, the champion of justice and who in the name of the moon would triumph over evil! (All done in her spare time of course!)

It was mid afternoon when the two friends arrived at the Princess’s castle and soon after, the three were ready to embark on their great journey. The three climbed into the mighty Acura and began driving into the great abyss. After a significant (but not long) period of time the three reached their destination – Bragg Creek! A land filled with breathtaking scenery, stores that were very charming, but also very over priced, and the washed up boy bad The Moffats. (Their career went Bang Bang Boom back in 2001. Oh who am I kidding it was way before then!)

The three arrived at their destination, the supermarket. Miko talked to a manager about the coveted earring. And, after a few minutes, the Fairy Princess had the beloved stud back in her possession! Filled with happiness and relief, she thanked the manager several times, and before leaving was given the title of “the earring girl.” The Hand Maiden Serena announced it shall be her title forever more!

The three will leave the supermarket and begin their next journey, the search for pie! However, the journey would be unsuccessful as the pie shop that, according to the Grumpy Giant, was so amazing seemed to have gone out of business. Instead the three got back into the car and drove back to the enchanted city in the hopes of making it to the magical bakery of Crave before it closed. However, no such luck.

The Hand Maiden was starved and deeply saddened by the lack of cupcakes that she possessed. However, her spirits soon rose when she discovered a coffee shop that sold Nutella lates. The nutella goodness made the Maiden’s day!

After making a short stop in the toy store the three returned to the car and began driving back to the Princess’s castle where they would partake in the great feast of BBQ pizza prepared by His Royal Highness – Miko’s Dad! Before arriving, The Princess and her Hand Maiden would put in the Soundtrack to the Musical Rent (The Broadway version!) and began singing the spiteful lyrics to the memorable so Take Me or Leave Me. The Grumpy Giant will begin making “Kill me now” gestures to other drivers when they are stopped at red lights. This will not deter the duo from singing to their hearts content.

After the meal, content and full, the three decided to see a show. Upon entering the Movie Dome, Miko realized why she tries to avoid the North East as much as possible.

Friday, August 25, 2006

My Soundtrack

And may I present to you...
The Soundtrack To My Life

Opening Credits: A Beginning - The Beatles

Waking Up: Good Morning Starshine - Hair

Average Day: A Day In The Life - The Beatles

First Date: First Date - Blink 182

Falling in Love: Elephant Love Medly - Moulin Rouge

Fight Scene: Combat Baby - Metric

Breaking Up: Behind these Hazel Eyes - Kelly Clarkson

Making Up: Come What May - Mouling Rouge

Life's Okay: We're Okay - RENT

Mental Breakdown: Revolution #9 - The Beatles

Driving: L.G. Fuad

Flashback: Harry Potter!

Partying: Party Up - Hiliar Duff

Happy: Shut up and smile - Bowling for Soup

Regretting: Knock-Down Drag-Out - Weezer

Long Night Alone: What is Love - Haddaway

Death Scene: Contact - RENT

End Credits: El Scorcho - Weezer

Monday, August 21, 2006

My Sunday Evening

Dramatis Personae:
M - Protagonist
PFBC - Person From Bragg Creek works at the supermarket

At rise

M will be sitting in a chair watching TV the phone will ring, M will go over to the phone see Bragg Creek Super Market on the caller ID and wonder what that's about.

M: Hello?
PFBC: Hello is a Meeeekoooo Miiiiko there?
M: Yes, this is her.
PFBC: M this is T from Bragg Creek Super Market, you were camping a couple weeks ago?
M: Yes?
PFBC: You lost an earring?
M: Yes....
PFBC: Someone just came up and handed it to me.
M: Seriously?
PFBC: Seriously! They found it in the washroom, it's white gold correct?
M: Yes!
PFBC: I'm pretty sure it's the earring that you were looking for.
M: Thank you soooooo much! Unfortunately I don't think I can get out there until the weekend
PFBC: Not a problem! Whenever you get here ask for me, if I'm not here and the person working doesn't know what's going on have them call my cell phone.
M: Ok! Thank you so very much!
PFBC: No Problem! I'm just happy that we took down your phone number!
M: Me too!


(By far one of the more exciting moments~!)

Sunday, August 20, 2006

Something Stupid

Dramatis Personae:
M - Protagonist, cute as usual. Has a Chrysler Sebring
SP45 - M's friend, does not own a car
G- Friend of SP45, sarcastic cannot begin to describe G's personality. Owns a truck
T - Will soon become a tradesman. Owns a bike
C - Owns a truck that recently had airbags installed.
JS- Owns Honda Civic
J - Owns a Jimmy
D- Owns a sunfire

M is at home when the phone rings

M: Hello?
SP45: Hey, the guys are coming over you're welcome to come over whenever, make sure it's sooner then later, I don't want to have to use the line 'I'm not drinking alone, I'm drinking with the Lord'
M: HAHAHAHA Ok I'll be there in a bit

45 minutes later

SP45 : What took you so long?
M: Sorry! We were watching RV and it got funny so I had to stay and watch
SP45: Ok..
M: So what's the plan tonight?
SP45: No set plan, I was thinking stealing street signs
M: I don't care what we do as long as it's stupid
SP45: We can do stupid!

10 Minutes later

ding dong

M: I got it don't worry! (M answers the door G is there) Oh, SLAM
G opens the door and lets himself in
M: Well at least he lets himself in!

Over then next half-hour everyone but J will end up at the house. M will insist that something stupid needs to be done tonight! Since no one is making a decision M will break out the game Guess Who and makes C play.

C: Does your person have brown hair?
M: Yes
C: Yes!
D: You can put that guy down to, she said they have brown hair, he's bald!
M: Does your person have a big nose?
C: Yes, does your person have a hat?
M: Yes
C is left with only two people, M has at least 10 left
SP45: Oh, I just say that you take a guess and try to win the game
M looks at the board, finally goes on a gut feeling.
M: Is your person Peter?
C will throw his card at M everyone cheers
SP45: I take full credit for that win! So what are we doing?
Everyone finally agrees to go to BP'S SP45 will bring a deck of cards and teach T how to play Egyptian war, food is ordered, people start telling jokes.

D: A Chicken and an Egg were lying in bed one night. The chicken smoking a cigarette with a smug grin on its face, the egg looking thoroughly ticked off.

The egg looks at the chicken and says, "Well, I guess we finally answered THAT question!"

M excuses herself and comes back from the washroom.
To C, J, and D
M: So, what are your views on bathroom sex?
C: Excuse me?
M: Your views on bathroom sex, classy, exciting?
D: What?
M: There's a pair of underwear in the bathroom, I personally find it "icky" I was just wondering if anyone else shares my view on the subject.
Most agree. Everyone finishes their food, and all but G will reconvene at SP45's house where everyone will sit on the driveway until....

Someone: Why don't we play grounders..
SP45: I can do grounders,
C: Grounders can work
SP45: Hawkwood school?
JS: ok on the way let's stop by the chin up bar

All but M will do chin ups JS will win with 10. Everyone will continue to make their way to the Hawkwood school playground.

D: Who's it?
M: 1,2,3, NOT IT
T: Not it
SP45: Not it
C: Not it
J: Not it
JS: What's going on?
SP45: Looks like JS is it!

JS will be it for a considerable amount of time and near the end of his "itness" will begin to complain about how much this game sucks. Eventually JS will tag someone else and the group will play grounders until 2:30 in the morning. Along the way T will attempt a stealth maneuver on the monkey bars that will result in him splitting his shin open. M will make a trip to the 7/11 and purchase jumbo pixie stix for everyone. Upon her return the grounders will have stopped and tire spinning will begin. As M gets on the tire, she realizes that she is no longer in elementary school and the tire swings are very uncomfortable. A short while after everyone will walk back to SP45's house, many will complain about the lack of motor vehicles.

Upon returning to SP45's house, M will get in her car and go home, she will wake up the next day at 11am.

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Big 2, Brokeback and a Squirrel

Dramatis Personae:
SP45 - M's Friend
Al - Cousin to SP45 and B
B- Memeber of Brokeback
R- SP45's girlfriend. R was chosen after asking the question "If you could be any letter in the alphabet, what would it be?"
C- Member of Brokeback, enjoys building large fires and feeding them with sticks, or small trees that he has found throughout the campground.
T- Asian Representative for Brokeback
A- R's best friend and organizer of the camp trip
J- Dating A, has very good taste in music
P- Friends with SP45
D- M's new friend, the two met at the BBQ mentions in a previous post, sadly D wasn't mentioned until now
M- Protagonist


  • Arrive at campsite, set up one tent that will be later referred to as "Brokeback"
  • Start making Kabobs
  • M makes butter chicken
  • Start making fire
  • SP45 will leave to pick up cousin Al
  • Both return to campsite
  • Al eats chicken made for him
  • Sleeping arrangements are made
  • C and T are forced to sleep in tent that will be forever known as Brokeback


  • M wakes up after SP45 leaves to go pick up brother B at 8am
  • M realizes that she left her cooler in SP45's car
  • M suddenly realizes that she has left all her dry food out all night and gets up to discover that the squirrels wasted no time in foraging the food. Leaving M with no food. Being rather frustrated at the situation and furious with her stupidity, M walks down to the store to buy beef jerky for breakfast.
  • M returns back to the campsite to discover that C and T have emerged from Brokeback and taken pictures of M's misfortune with the food.
  • The three sit around waiting for the others to wake up


  • Al finally decides to wake up.
  • D will show up and take the last spot in the tent, forcing B to sleep in brokeback.
  • SP45 and B arrive.
  • B will learn he is to sleep in Brokeback
  • Everyone begins playing games
  • M starts playing Egyptian war with B and is destroyed
  • M learns how to play Yuker
  • R will have a surprise birthday party for A and some of their friends will drive up to celebrate
  • J will take A for a walk so that R and crew can set up decorations
  • A will be very surprised
  • The cake will be delicious
  • Games will be played
  • M will begin her reign as the big 2 president
  • Dinner will be eaten
  • M will go look for sticks to burn illegally in the fire with C, they will come across the abandoned "theatre" (pathetic excuse or proscenium stage, even for the outdoors), stay for awhile, become bored and continue on with their adventure.
  • M will discover what she believes to be oyster mushrooms growing, however, her knowledge of such things is limited as she hasn't been watching the food network lately
  • C and M will return, eat s'mores and play a board game
  • Eventually everyone will become tired and go to bed
  • M will put the dry food that she has left into SP45's car before going to bed.
  • P will then Lock the car, preventing M from having breakfast yet again.


  • Once again M and C are the only people up, they decide to go get something to eat and return with nothing to do. M will then force C to learn how to knit

Knitting Is Knotty!

Dramatis Personae:
M &C

At rise: M and C will be sitting at a picnic table, M will have gold yarn and C will have black. M needles will be 8's and C's will be 9's. When C switches needles they too will be 9's.

M: Ok C it's not that hard! Do you know how to make a slip knot?
C: No!
M: Ok, here. Now you just have to stick it through the hole, wrap it around, pull it back down and turn it to a 90 degree angle
C: Yeah, I didn't get any of that!
M: Ok stick it through, wrap it around, turn it 90 degrees and pull it down.
C: It's not working
M: Turn it more! Here I'll go get the bigger ones, they aren't connected that might help.

M returns with conventional knitting needles

M: Here try these.
C: These are sharp!
M: Yeah maybe that'll work, ok start with the slip knot again. Ok now stick that one through the hole, wrap it around and pull it down, no C angle it more! OK now take that loop and put it on the needle
C: Like this?
M: Yeah, that'll work! No C you have to stick it through the hole, through the hole!! Ok NOW wrap it around. THERE YA GO!

After approx. 15-20 minutes. A will emerge from the tent curious as to what the conversation is about. C will announce that the is making A's graduation present, a scarf, stating that at the rate he is going it will take him that long to finish it. C will attempt to knit awhile longer but after about the third row and 6 dropped stitches and one big hole, C will give up and attempt to cast off. M will have to finish the casting off for C.

  • Everyone will wake up and D, A and R will go to have showers, they will return later to announce that they had to stay in the shower stalls for half an hour because the valve was broken and to pass the time the three decided to play naked eye spy
  • M's reign in Big 2 will be overthrown

M's Fall From Power

Dramatis Personae:
M- Protagonist, as usual very cute
SP45 - Friend of M's.
C - member of the "Brokeback" Clan
P- Enjoys making up catch phrases such as "Again, and again, and again, and again!"
B- Brother of SP45. Enjoys the catchphrase Hi-o!

Scene: The five are sitting at a picnic table playing big 2. M has maintained her presidential position for some time now and is beginning to feel that her luck is running out. The cards have just been dealt. As the rules state M receives 2 cards from B. They aren't very good. M returns the favor and passes B two very low cards. The game begins as B puts down two 3's. The four males have and/or are drinking at this point and time in the game.

SP45: I can play on that (SP45 then slaps down 2 fives)
M: Ummm (M then places two king's down)
C: BAH Why would you do that? Pass
P: Hmmm, 2 aces should top that correct?

The game will continue in a similar fashion for another two rounds. B will continue to have awful hands and at one point and time announce to the table that his highest card in his hand is a ten. After a few hands the brothers will usurp M's presidential reign and being to rule the table. This will make M rather sad. P will continue to "one up" everyone's hands but never actually be able to make president until...


P will do a victory lap around the campsite displaying the "rock and roll" hand symbol at the same time. Everyone will hang their heads in shame.

  • M, D, B and Al will later go to Bragg Creek so B can buy liquor, and D can buy jam to make bush pies with
  • M will realize that somewhere she has lost an earring and will become very upset with herself
  • After returning to the campsite M tears apart the car, with the help of the others, in the hopes to find the earring, however, no such luck
  • M is very depressed
  • M will go for a walk to get candy, there will be none she likes so she will go to the creek and cry, LOUDLY!
  • A fisherman will take pitty on her and ask if she wants to use his fishing rod for a little bit
  • M decides that might make her happy
  • M is found by SP45 as she is walking back to the campsite and hitches a ride
    Upon returning more games are played
  • Al will do a clever banana split
  • Everyone will eat dinner and begin drinking
  • A 12 person game of big 2 with 2 decks will be played
  • The worlds biggest fire will be built
  • Everyone will get in trouble for singing campfire songs at midnight but not for burning small trees in our fire pit
  • Everyone will go to bed
  • B will end the night with one last HI-O from Brokeback


  • B, M, Al and SP45 head home early since B must catch a flight back to Ft. McMurray
  • B and Al will complain about Ft. McMurray the entire car ride home
  • SP45 will drop M off
  • M realizes that she didn't bring a key
  • Realizes that the neighbor has a key
  • Has a shower, realizes she has gotten her first shoulder sunburn ever.
  • Debates suing the sunscreen company seeing as how she put spf50 on twice a day
  • Realizes it's not worth it
  • Writes this timeline blog

Note: This blog SHOULD have been up Monday or even Tuesday. However, my blog needed a little TLC before it would let me post anything else. Plus, the blog hates me and won't let me cut and paste.


Thursday, August 03, 2006

3 Kids + 1 C-train = One Great Story!

Act I
Dramatis Personae:
M- Protagonist, very cute wearing capris jeans and a cropped hoody.
R- M's 4 year old cousin, very opinionated! He will be wearing a red shirt and blue shorts, his runners have the special ability to make him run faster due to the fact that they feature a certain cartoon
G- R's 5 year old cousin, also very cute, she will be wearing a pale green terrycloth sweatpants with a zip up hoody to match, her shirt underneath her hoody will feature Barbie, her swimsuit will also have Barbie on it
N- G's 11 year old brother, he will be wearing a orange hoody and camouflage shorts. He will be unenthusiastic throughout the entire play.

At Rise:
M has been asked by R's mom to babysit for the evening while she attends Jubilations for her birthday. M agrees but shows up a little late due to the fact she forgot the off ramp to Crowchild off Sarcee was shut down. M finally reaches the hotel that R,G, and N are staying in. Upon arrival, M soon realizes that R's parents forgot to leave her a key card to get back into the hotel room. After talking to the front desk, she is able to obtain a card. M goes back to the room. M realizes that the hotel is located in Motel Village meaning that the C-train is near, R has been fascinated with trains since he was very little. Putting two and two together, M gets an idea.

M: So I was thinking that we should go for a train ride
N: Are we allowed to?
M: Yes, why wouldn't we be?
N: I don't know I just didn't hear anything about a train ride from my parents
M: That would be because I just thought of it now!
N: Oh ok
R: I like the train, little M!
M: I know you do R.

Act II

The four get ready and venture outside, past the Dairy Queen and Big T's BBQ. The four cross the street. M buys two tickets one for herself, and one for N.

R: Where's my ticket? I need a ticket! On the Polar express everyone had tickets
G: I would like a ticket as well!
M looks in her change purse and finds two train tickets from days past.
M: Here you go!

3 minutes later

R: How much longer?
M: Ummm not that long
R: How long is not that long?
M: The absolute longest that we are going to have to wait is 20 minutes
R: How long is that?
M: Little less then Sponge Bob Square Pants
R: Oh, Ok!
N: You reference Sponge Bob, with time?
M: It works doesn't it
R: G, did you hear that? 20 minutes is a little less then Spongebob, wait some Spongebob's are really short though, so is 20 minutes really short?

At this moment, bells warning people not to cross start and the c-train can be seen.

R: Oh, never mind. G, did you know 20 minutes is really short?

The four get on the C-train. R and G sit together, M and N sit across. The train is empty, there is one man sitting in the middle on the stage left side of the car. He will eavesdrop throughout the conversation. He will be wearing dirty clothes and steel toe boots, he is obviously going home after working construction of some kind.

R: I love the C-train
G: Yes, it's very fun
M: I think that we should go two stops then head back, sound good?
R: Actually little M, I think we should go 7 stops
M: Um no, we'll be on the other side of the city
R: No we won't
M: Yes we will, and besides 2 stops is really four stops because we have to get off and go two stops to get back to the hotel.
R: No it isn't
M: Yes it is
R: No, that's not seven!

M: Ok how about we go downtown?
R: That sounds like a good idea

G: I like downtown!
N: I don't care...


By this point the gentleman sitting upstage will be laughing out loud.

R will decide that he would like to sit across from N and at the next stop does so.
At the next stop (9th street) the four will get off. G and R will see the Macs and decide that they both need bubble gum. M will pay the $1.90 to get the two each a pack. They will then proceed to the Century Garden located across the street. The park features mainly water and stepping stones to get around the water.

M will lead the troop around the water her destination, a picnic table on the other side of the water. When they reach the stepping stones M notices that two girls are already sitting there. To M's horror she realizes that one is hunched over the bench, snorting a "line" of cocaine. The girl will look up and her nose will be white, her eyes red and neither one look "happy." (In fact they look right pissed off)

This makes M very uncomfortable seeing as how it's not even 7pm yet. As M gets a sinking feeling in the pit of her stomach, she takes the children down to the lower part of the park, as quickly as possible. The two youngest will play on a statue of two baby bears wrestling. G will pretend to ride on while R will pretend to fight the other. N, being in that awkward pre-pubescent stage of life will just stand there. This will go on for 20 minutes. After that time R will be very adamant that they go back to the picnic bench across the water. M will announce it is time to take the train back to the hotel.

Once the four reach Banff Trail Station M will shuttle them off and they will play on the pedestrian bridge for a few minutes, watching the cars go by. After the four will return to the hotel and go swimming.
All the children would enjoy the night.

M would receive $30 for exposing the children to narcotics.