Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Big 2, Brokeback and a Squirrel

Dramatis Personae:
SP45 - M's Friend
Al - Cousin to SP45 and B
B- Memeber of Brokeback
R- SP45's girlfriend. R was chosen after asking the question "If you could be any letter in the alphabet, what would it be?"
C- Member of Brokeback, enjoys building large fires and feeding them with sticks, or small trees that he has found throughout the campground.
T- Asian Representative for Brokeback
A- R's best friend and organizer of the camp trip
J- Dating A, has very good taste in music
P- Friends with SP45
D- M's new friend, the two met at the BBQ mentions in a previous post, sadly D wasn't mentioned until now
M- Protagonist


  • Arrive at campsite, set up one tent that will be later referred to as "Brokeback"
  • Start making Kabobs
  • M makes butter chicken
  • Start making fire
  • SP45 will leave to pick up cousin Al
  • Both return to campsite
  • Al eats chicken made for him
  • Sleeping arrangements are made
  • C and T are forced to sleep in tent that will be forever known as Brokeback


  • M wakes up after SP45 leaves to go pick up brother B at 8am
  • M realizes that she left her cooler in SP45's car
  • M suddenly realizes that she has left all her dry food out all night and gets up to discover that the squirrels wasted no time in foraging the food. Leaving M with no food. Being rather frustrated at the situation and furious with her stupidity, M walks down to the store to buy beef jerky for breakfast.
  • M returns back to the campsite to discover that C and T have emerged from Brokeback and taken pictures of M's misfortune with the food.
  • The three sit around waiting for the others to wake up


  • Al finally decides to wake up.
  • D will show up and take the last spot in the tent, forcing B to sleep in brokeback.
  • SP45 and B arrive.
  • B will learn he is to sleep in Brokeback
  • Everyone begins playing games
  • M starts playing Egyptian war with B and is destroyed
  • M learns how to play Yuker
  • R will have a surprise birthday party for A and some of their friends will drive up to celebrate
  • J will take A for a walk so that R and crew can set up decorations
  • A will be very surprised
  • The cake will be delicious
  • Games will be played
  • M will begin her reign as the big 2 president
  • Dinner will be eaten
  • M will go look for sticks to burn illegally in the fire with C, they will come across the abandoned "theatre" (pathetic excuse or proscenium stage, even for the outdoors), stay for awhile, become bored and continue on with their adventure.
  • M will discover what she believes to be oyster mushrooms growing, however, her knowledge of such things is limited as she hasn't been watching the food network lately
  • C and M will return, eat s'mores and play a board game
  • Eventually everyone will become tired and go to bed
  • M will put the dry food that she has left into SP45's car before going to bed.
  • P will then Lock the car, preventing M from having breakfast yet again.


  • Once again M and C are the only people up, they decide to go get something to eat and return with nothing to do. M will then force C to learn how to knit

Knitting Is Knotty!

Dramatis Personae:
M &C

At rise: M and C will be sitting at a picnic table, M will have gold yarn and C will have black. M needles will be 8's and C's will be 9's. When C switches needles they too will be 9's.

M: Ok C it's not that hard! Do you know how to make a slip knot?
C: No!
M: Ok, here. Now you just have to stick it through the hole, wrap it around, pull it back down and turn it to a 90 degree angle
C: Yeah, I didn't get any of that!
M: Ok stick it through, wrap it around, turn it 90 degrees and pull it down.
C: It's not working
M: Turn it more! Here I'll go get the bigger ones, they aren't connected that might help.

M returns with conventional knitting needles

M: Here try these.
C: These are sharp!
M: Yeah maybe that'll work, ok start with the slip knot again. Ok now stick that one through the hole, wrap it around and pull it down, no C angle it more! OK now take that loop and put it on the needle
C: Like this?
M: Yeah, that'll work! No C you have to stick it through the hole, through the hole!! Ok NOW wrap it around. THERE YA GO!

After approx. 15-20 minutes. A will emerge from the tent curious as to what the conversation is about. C will announce that the is making A's graduation present, a scarf, stating that at the rate he is going it will take him that long to finish it. C will attempt to knit awhile longer but after about the third row and 6 dropped stitches and one big hole, C will give up and attempt to cast off. M will have to finish the casting off for C.

  • Everyone will wake up and D, A and R will go to have showers, they will return later to announce that they had to stay in the shower stalls for half an hour because the valve was broken and to pass the time the three decided to play naked eye spy
  • M's reign in Big 2 will be overthrown

M's Fall From Power

Dramatis Personae:
M- Protagonist, as usual very cute
SP45 - Friend of M's.
C - member of the "Brokeback" Clan
P- Enjoys making up catch phrases such as "Again, and again, and again, and again!"
B- Brother of SP45. Enjoys the catchphrase Hi-o!

Scene: The five are sitting at a picnic table playing big 2. M has maintained her presidential position for some time now and is beginning to feel that her luck is running out. The cards have just been dealt. As the rules state M receives 2 cards from B. They aren't very good. M returns the favor and passes B two very low cards. The game begins as B puts down two 3's. The four males have and/or are drinking at this point and time in the game.

SP45: I can play on that (SP45 then slaps down 2 fives)
M: Ummm (M then places two king's down)
C: BAH Why would you do that? Pass
P: Hmmm, 2 aces should top that correct?

The game will continue in a similar fashion for another two rounds. B will continue to have awful hands and at one point and time announce to the table that his highest card in his hand is a ten. After a few hands the brothers will usurp M's presidential reign and being to rule the table. This will make M rather sad. P will continue to "one up" everyone's hands but never actually be able to make president until...


P will do a victory lap around the campsite displaying the "rock and roll" hand symbol at the same time. Everyone will hang their heads in shame.

  • M, D, B and Al will later go to Bragg Creek so B can buy liquor, and D can buy jam to make bush pies with
  • M will realize that somewhere she has lost an earring and will become very upset with herself
  • After returning to the campsite M tears apart the car, with the help of the others, in the hopes to find the earring, however, no such luck
  • M is very depressed
  • M will go for a walk to get candy, there will be none she likes so she will go to the creek and cry, LOUDLY!
  • A fisherman will take pitty on her and ask if she wants to use his fishing rod for a little bit
  • M decides that might make her happy
  • M is found by SP45 as she is walking back to the campsite and hitches a ride
    Upon returning more games are played
  • Al will do a clever banana split
  • Everyone will eat dinner and begin drinking
  • A 12 person game of big 2 with 2 decks will be played
  • The worlds biggest fire will be built
  • Everyone will get in trouble for singing campfire songs at midnight but not for burning small trees in our fire pit
  • Everyone will go to bed
  • B will end the night with one last HI-O from Brokeback


  • B, M, Al and SP45 head home early since B must catch a flight back to Ft. McMurray
  • B and Al will complain about Ft. McMurray the entire car ride home
  • SP45 will drop M off
  • M realizes that she didn't bring a key
  • Realizes that the neighbor has a key
  • Has a shower, realizes she has gotten her first shoulder sunburn ever.
  • Debates suing the sunscreen company seeing as how she put spf50 on twice a day
  • Realizes it's not worth it
  • Writes this timeline blog

Note: This blog SHOULD have been up Monday or even Tuesday. However, my blog needed a little TLC before it would let me post anything else. Plus, the blog hates me and won't let me cut and paste.


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