Tuesday, October 24, 2006

A Survivors Guide

Miko's Survivors Guide To Staying Sane!
(While Doing A Show)

1. Stay up as late as possible as often as possible (I recommend 12:30 - 1:00am)
2. Get up as early as humanly possible, as often as possible (I recommend 5:00am)
3. Have a million different things going once, making sure to schedule just enough time to sleep
4. Bring your laptop and all your homework in an attempt to be productive
5. Realize that although you're hauling all of your textbooks around, you're probably not going to get anything done
6. Don't even bother putting effort into your appearance, no one will see you/care
7. Make sure you're up to date with all the gossip at all times!
8. Take only one or two pictures of the past few weeks that way the memories will be nice and vague
9. When Striking the sound, always make sure you bring friends who are willing to help. Not only does it make the job go by faster, it makes you feel important
10. After it's all said and done, PARTY!~!~!

Sunday, October 08, 2006

Blog About Kyley, And My Views On Turkey

Friday Night

This is Kyley I went to her birthday party on Friday night.

This is me and Kyley at her birthday celebration on Friday night.

I got her Spongs, green ones!

People Drank

I drank pop all night! And two stepped!

Then I realized I forgot to feed the dog so I left early!

I went to school

I was there for what seemed like an eternity

It was frustrating

Soon after I got home the doorbell rang

I answered it and got cupcakes (The good ones from Crave) and flowers!

I've made the decision that cupcakes are WAY better then turkey!

Ok, maybe not WAY better! But awesome nonetheless!

In Closing

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!

May yours be filled with Turkey, Stuffing, Gravy, Potatoes and Pumpkin Pie!

What's the best part of the Thanksgiving dinner?
Miko's Feelings: The Stuffing!