Sunday, February 07, 2010

Where to Post

See, this is where things get hard. I have two blogs, this one that I have KIND OF (Ok not even a little bit) kept up and my other blog that I was asked to make during my education days. Now, I want to touch on my experiences with my new life, my new job and all that Jazz but I don't know where to put it.

For right now I'm just going to mash everything into here.

I feel that the past year has been a very big growing experience for me. A lot has happened.

I graduated from University, I moved back to Calgary, I got a job in my field, and the most important and I believe most note worthy thing that has happened in the past year is that I made the decision to not just go back to Church, but to be truly active in the church.

For five years I didn't think that it was going to make a difference if I went to church or if I didn't. I was wrong. I can honestly say that in these past two years my life has been blessed tenfold. I can truly see the blessings in my life, and I know that they are from the Lord. I am not only happy to say that but in a way proud to finally be able to stand for what I believe in. It isn't everyday that I can stand tall and be proud of who I am. I think that this has taken me oh, 24 years of practice and 24 years of landing on my face.

But I can honestly say that now that I have the Gospel back in my life, I am happy. Much happier then I ever was before. It's funny because I think about what my life was like as I was going through University and how hard I was working. And then in my last year how hard I was working yes, but also how peaceful I was. My stress was no longer important, I could focus on the bigger picture in my life, I was happy with the way things were. Recently, I have to admit I have lost sight of that.

It is easy to do when you start a new career, and you are trying to get your life off the ground. I know I am guilty of letting little things like reading my scriptures everyday slip by me. But I have to remember that it is the little things in life that make a world of difference. And thus, I must make the effort of getting up at 5:45 so that I have those 15 extra minutes to read the scriptures and set my day off on the right foot. I know that if I can do this, if I can remember who I am and what I stand for at all times, I will be a happier person.

Another thing that I think I need to really focus on right now is Family History. I'm toying with the idea of making another blog so I can be accountable for all of my Family History workings. But I don't keep this one up to date. How could I manage another one, I mean seriously?

Ok that's it for me today. I do want to make this a more constant thing. We'll see what happens.